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FMF at first semester day

Dr. Uli Würfel, Leiter der Projektgruppe Organische und Perowskitsolarzellen am FMF, und Fiona Pescher, PhD-Kanditatin und Teil der Junior research group Electrochmical Energy Systems, im Gespräch mit InteressiertenOn Friday, October 11, 2024, the FMF presented itself with an information stand at the Fresher's Day in the Europa-Park Stadium. We had the wonderful opportunity to talk to many curious, open-minded and humorous first-year students and inform them about the opportunities in the field of materials research at the FMF. We wish them all a good start and would be delighted to welcome some of them here.

There are many opportunities to become active with us at the FMF:* HiWi positions, * Internships, * Degrees: Bachelor, B.Sc., Master, M.Sc., Doctorate