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Process technology

Welcome to the pages of the Service Group “Process technology” headed by Prof. Dr. Bastian Rapp.


We cooperate with University facilities, institutes and the industry.


Focus areas


Rheological measurements are performed on:

  • Homopolymers (linear and branched)
  • Polymer blends, non-miscible and miscible, compatibilization, molecular dynamics of polymers
  • Filled polymers and nanocomposites
  • Bioorganic materials
  • Heterogeneous network structures
  • Polymer solutions and tailored special polymers for 3D-Printing


Solution of inverse rheological problems:

  • Determination of distribution functions (e.g. particle size distribution in polymer blends or molar mass distribution of homopolymers) from rheological measurements


More info to download here: 2023_Pitch Rheology English_FMF

Mechanical analysis of polymers

  • Determination of viscoelastic properties and phase transitions (TG) by means of dynamic mechanical analysis in a broad temperature range (-150°C - 600°C)
  • Impact tests: according to Izod and Charpy
  • Thermo-mechanical analysis of polymers (thermal expansion coefficient, penetration)


Functional processing

  • Extrusion of granulated materials and powders with the options of liquid dosing, gravimetric dosing and side feeder function
  • Processing of polymers with compounder, rolling mill, film blowing and hot melt press with vacuum


Process relevant experiments of polymers

  • High-pressure capillary rheometry
    • Flow behavior of polymer melts at high shear and strain rates, similar to processing. Gathered information: corrected viscosity (applying Bagley, Weissenberg-Rabinowitsch and Mooney corrections), flow instabilities such as shark-skin, stick-slip and gross melt fracture.
    • Pressure-volume-temperature pVT measurements of low and highly viscous polymer melts: process optimization, modelling of materials (Tait diagram).
    • Thermal conductivity measurements TCM at high pressure
  • Combined rheological methods: Small angle light scattering (SALS) and Shear-induced polarized light imaging (SIPLI) allowing us to investigate
    • Shear-induced chain orientation and stretch
    • Shear-induced crystallization at temperature higher than the melting point
    • Phase and morphological transition of materials under shear
    • Orientation of liquids crystals and crystal structures in polymer solutions






Helpful links Rheology